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  • Writer's pictureOllie Tarrant

Green Smoothie

Updated: Jan 1, 2021


I’m on a bit of a health kick at the minute, and so I tried to make a green smoothie or green juice, and it was absolutely delicious! It certainly didn’t feel like a chore to make or drink it, and it was incredibly refreshing. The inspiration for this one came from a drink at Wagamamas. It’s a great start to the day, and perfect for after a gym session. The recipe below is a rough guide: change it up according to your own personal preferences (e.g. if you like it sweeter, maybe add more apple juice or honey, if you like it more fiery, more ginger etc.) Here’s the recipe!

Ingredients (makes 1 large glass):

  • 3 large handfuls of spinach

  • 150ml apple juice

  • 8 mint leaves

  • Juice of 1/2 a lime

  • 1/2 avocado

  • Small thumb of ginger, roughly chopped

  • Handful of ice cubes

  • Drizzle of honey


  1. Place all the ingredients in a blender, and blitz until no chunks remain. If the liquid is too thick, add in more apple juice, or a splash of water. Serve in a tall glass.

Hope you enjoy this one, and if you have any other drinks requests that you would like a recipe for, let me know on Instagram (@OTCooks_Eats). Cheers guys!

OT x

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